You Know Jesus, But Are You Experiencing His Peace in Your Daily Life?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and inundated by challenges that make you feel trapped, confused, or frustrated? Are you worried about the state of the planet or politics? Your problems may be closer to home – like an aging parent, a loved one with mental illness, financial challenges, health problems, or anxiety.
Your family is important to you. You want a fulfilling life and to feel like you are being who God created you to be. You want to leave the world a better place, but maybe you’re feeling scattered, inundated, or unsure.
I’m Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, and I know what it’s like to deal with all these things. I’ve spent my share of sleepless nights, lying awake ruminating on my problems, worried about the future. I know what it’s like to have my mind in overdrive and not be able to shut it off. I know what it’s like to have a constant anxiety buzz that feels like I’m stuck in fight or flight mode.
When I started getting snippy with my elderly father, my sleeplessness, anxiety, and irritability sent me on a quest for peace. I began pleading with God for answers, “Change my heart. Heal my mind. Fill me with Your love!”
God led me on a bread trail toward the answers. First, He got me to unplug from technology – not completely – but significantly cut back. I started spending more time in nature – year-round, even when it is cold outside. Nature began healing my mind and body. Nature became my sacred tutor, and I began to see and hear God everywhere.
Then, a friend suggested I explore a scientific and psychological approach. All the while, I kept asking God to change my heart. Heal my mind. Fill me with Your love!”
I learned that it is human nature for the mind to go into overdrive. The mind stresses, searching for solutions. What few realize is that the mind is not meant to be in charge. The mind is a tool. It’s meant to implement plans that are created by something deeper, more knowing, than the mind.
Through a combination of prayer, scripture study, nature observation, meditation, and scientifically proven tools, God led me to my Core Sacred Self. The Core Sacred Self is the part of us that is made in God’s image. It’s the light given to every man and woman who comes into the world (John 1:9). I came to finally understand what Jesus meant by, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)
Einstein said, “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” The mind that created your problems is not going to find your solution. You can spin and fret and hash it over and over in your mind, but you’ll rarely solve serious problems with the mind alone.
The mind is a tool of your spirit … a tool of your Core Sacred Self. The mind is not meant to drive the train. Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature is a guide to finding your calm, peaceful center and aligning with the Divine. When you do that, you have the aerial view of the Divine, which is outside the problem and can see your solutions.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
ISAIAH 5:8-9
“Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” is a roadmap for finding your own path to peace. We are each different with unique brains, minds, life experiences, beliefs and backgrounds. How you come to peace may involve different techniques than your neighbor will need. But, there is no one better who can guide you to peace than the Prince of Peace.
This book is a practical guide for how to
- Align with Christ so He lives, moves, and breathes in you as a compassionate Being, directing your thoughts, words, and actions
- Quiet your mind so you easily release what does not serve you, and fuel the sacred within you
- Discover your Core Sacred Self and the Divine confidence, peace, and acceptance you’re designed to access
- Be more focused, efficient, and wise as you live in harmony with your Creator and His creations
- Access the joy and peace available through Mother Earth. She isn’t something to be fixed, but a sacred creation we can partner with to find answers to our most perplexing individual and global challenges
- Experience deep and abiding peace, frequent joy, greater love for everyone (including yourself), and a sense of fulfillment – no matter how crazy life gets.
Don’t let this crazy world and the tumult of opinions engulfing it steal your peace. Take personal responsibility for your own inner peace, your own joy, and your own fulfillment.
“Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” and the accompanying Journal/Planner and card deck are scheduled for a Spring 2023 release. Follow Marnie on BookBub or email to be notified when the book is released.