Overcoming Doubt

Overcoming Doubt (Encouragement from the Father)

Do you feel like you are being called to do something or share something in the world? If so, you probably have also dealt with more than your share of doubts. You may be thinking, “I don’t know. Was this really what God told me to do? Why isn’t it working out more smoothly? Do […]

Let the Spirit of God, Like a Fire Burn within You.

Let the Spirit of God Like a Fire Burn within You

“Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn.” John Wesley Do you have a heart to help God’s children? To help them feel His love in greater ways? Be passionate and on fire with the Holy Ghost, with God’s love, in praise to God and His Son! […]

Light the World- Build the Kingdom

Light the World: Build the Kingdom 90 Day Challenge

Please join me in my 90-Day Light The World: Build The Kingdom Challenge. The video below explains how it works. Each morning we’re going to get down on our knees and ask God to tell us one thing we can do that day to build the kingdom and light the world for Him. As we […]