how to hear the voice of God

How to Make Sure You’re Hearing God’s Voice

Are you an iNtuitive in the Meyers Briggs personality theory (INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP, INTJ, INTP, ENTP, ENTJ)? If you are, you most likely have some special spiritual gifts. You might also relate to some of these traits: I am an INFJ (an iNtuitive), and I love working with fellow iNtuitives in my coaching/consulting practice. In many […]

Let the Spirit of God, Like a Fire Burn within You.

Let the Spirit of God Like a Fire Burn within You

“Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn.” John Wesley Do you have a heart to help God’s children? To help them feel His love in greater ways? Be passionate and on fire with the Holy Ghost, with God’s love, in praise to God and His Son! […]

finding faith in Christ, faith like the brother of Jared

Faith to See the Finger of the Lord

There is a story I love in the Book of Mormon about a man who had incredible faith in Christ. His name was Mahonri Moriancumer. Quite a mouthful, so he told everyone to just call him “The Brother of Jared.”  He and his brother, Jared, lived during the time of the Tower of Babel. Because […]

Light the World- Build the Kingdom

Light the World: Build the Kingdom 90 Day Challenge

Please join me in my 90-Day Light The World: Build The Kingdom Challenge. The video below explains how it works. Each morning we’re going to get down on our knees and ask God to tell us one thing we can do that day to build the kingdom and light the world for Him. As we […]

Listening to the Still Spirit of God

Standing in church last week, my spirit was troubled. I never like it when my spirit is upset. Typically, my spirit is upset and overwhelmed by fear or worry. When I come into his house to praise Him, I experience peace. In most situations, my fear falls off and worry dissipates as I worship God, […]

how to be happy

How to Be Happy, Blessed and Fortunate

A multitude followed Jesus up into a mountain where he began to teach them what we call the ‘‘Sermon on the Mount’’ or the Beatitudes. In Latin, beatus is the basis of the English ‘beatitude,’ meaning ‘to be fortunate,’ ‘to be happy,’ or ‘to be blessed.’ So it was here on the mountain that Jesus […]