Jesus Is Good Enough and I'm with Jesus

Jesus Is Good Enough, and I’m with Jesus

I have a theory I’m formulating about our existence that explains why bad things happen in mortality and why Jesus taught us to love our enemies. We once lived in heaven with God in a perfect universe of perfect love. We were all loved and accepted just as we were, and there was no concern […]

How to make the impossible possible

How the Impossible Becomes Possible

Whether it’s big or small there are things in our lives that seem impossible, right? What do you do when you’re dealing with something that feels impossible? I have a word of encouragement from the Father for you from Matthew 17 that addresses this. A man brings his son to the disciples. His son has […]

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, goes after the lost sheep

The Good Shepherd Who Rescued Me

I heard an interesting interpretation of the Parable of the Lost Sheep – the one where the Good Shepherd leaves the 99 to go find the one. Jesus relates this parable while surrounded by publicans (tax collectors) and sinners. The Pharisees and Sadducees judge Him for not only hanging out with, but also eating with […]

why do bad things happen to good people

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Have you ever wondered, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Or maybe you’ve wondered why you did what you felt you were supposed to do and it ended poorly. Shouldn’t God have protected you and blessed you? Why do you feel like you were cursed instead? Some see God like Santa Claus or […]

finding faith in Christ, faith like the brother of Jared

Faith to See the Finger of the Lord

There is a story I love in the Book of Mormon about a man who had incredible faith in Christ. His name was Mahonri Moriancumer. Quite a mouthful, so he told everyone to just call him “The Brother of Jared.”  He and his brother, Jared, lived during the time of the Tower of Babel. Because […]

I wish, I may, I wish, I might or  HOPE

According to Webster’s 1828 dictionary; Hope is – A desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable. Hope differs from wish and desire in this, that it implies some expectation of obtaining the good desired, or the possibility of possessing it. Hope therefore always gives pleasure […]

second guessing inspiration

Stop Second Guessing Inspiration

Have you ever prayed about something, got a clear direction to take, and when you take it, it leads to pain and disappointment? I don’t know about you, but when that happens to me, my first instinct is to doubt my ability to receive revelation. That’s a scary feeling not to trust that you heard […]

peace, prosperity, happiness

Peace, Prosperity, Happiness: Are We Missing The Boat?

We all want peace, prosperity and happiness, but are we looking in all the wrong places? I have a good friend who lives near the ocean. She and her husband invited several couples to a party on their boat. About ten minutes before everyone was to meet on the boat, my friend spoke with one […]

making mistakes

Making Mistakes and Knotted Shoelaces

My oldest was probably only four years old when he showed me proudly that he could tie his shoes. There they were, with the laces knotted together over and over until there was no more string left with which to work. How proud he was, and how I smiled. He had not tied them properly, […]

overcoming adversity

Overcoming Adversity: Treasures In the Pit

Have you ever felt like life has dealt you such a blow that you’re in a deep, dark pit? You struggle for months or even years to understand why you’re caught in this pit. Over time you learn to look to the Savior and His light begins to shine in and illuminate the crevices of […]