Are you an iNtuitive in the Meyers Briggs personality theory (INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP, INTJ, INTP, ENTP, ENTJ)? If you are, you most likely have some special spiritual gifts. You might also relate to some of these traits:
- iNtuitives are people who prefer to focus on the big picture, the possibilities, and the future.
- They are imaginative, creative, and visionary.
- They like to explore new ideas, challenge assumptions, and seek patterns.
- They love analogies. Jesus’ parables are fun for iNtuitives! So many interpretations, meanings and ways to dive deep.
- iNtuitives are often drawn to abstract concepts, such as philosophy, psychology, or spirituality.
- They enjoy learning new things and expanding their horizons.
I am an INFJ (an iNtuitive), and I love working with fellow iNtuitives in my coaching/consulting practice. In many ways, iNtuitives are hard-wired for inspiration. We often pick up on the unspoken in the world around us and seem to have a connection to the Divine or other people and their emotions, even the other-worldly. This is why it is so important to make sure we are hearing the voice of God and not just picking up things in our environments or from sources that are deceptively in opposition to God.
Word of Encouragement from the Father
If you’re an intuitive on the Meyers-Briggs assessment you have a special connection to the spiritual realm. It’s important to be able to sift the wheat from the chaff (the truth from error) and discern what is coming from God and what is not.
To help you do this, the Bible has given you this message from the Father found in James 4:8:
“Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you… cleanse your hands and purify your heart…”
James 4:8
As you draw nigh to God, cleanse your hands and purify your heart, you’ll be able to bring heaven to earth and make the spiritual practical. You will be guided in your life and as you advise, teach, counsel, nurture, comfort and lead others.
Is It from God? A Litmus Test
Remember, if something is Good and from God:
- It will lead you to believe in Christ (directly or indirectly). It may be neutral like 2+2=4, but it won’t lead you away from Christ.
- It will persuade you to do good and not violate God’s commandments.
If you’re an iNtuitive feeling called to be or do something in the world, and you’d like mentoring / coaching / consulting and/or accountability, let’s talk!