Please join me in my 90-Day Light The World: Build The Kingdom Challenge. The video below explains how it works.
Each morning we’re going to get down on our knees and ask God to tell us one thing we can do that day to build the kingdom and light the world for Him.
As we do this — as we show Him our love for him — we will be blessed in all aspects of our lives. Christ promised, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.”
The video below shares my experience with doing this and how the 90-day challenge works. It’s really quite simple. It all officially starts Friday May 19, 2017, but you can join in at any time.
Please share your experiences on social media or your blog or web site using the hashtags below.
#LightTheWorld #90DayLTWChallenge #BuildTheKingdom
Let’s create a movement and light the world for Christ!