For the last three weeks my mother has been very ill. She teeters at the doorway of death, bouncing back and forth in a hellish nightmare of passing out, blacking out, and sick sinking feelings as if her body were shutting down. For at least 40 hours straight her pacemaker recorded her heart in atrial […]
Closer To Christ: Feeling Jesus’ Love
We all experience ups and downs in our faithfulness and devotion. For me, I really want to do the right thing; but, as it turns out, I am a weak vessel. I need to ask for help continually and repent continually. One weekend a few months ago, I was feeling sheepish about my efforts to […]
Self-Sustainable Natural Healing in Your Home
There are many natural healing methods and health protocols, but how many are self-sustaining? What can you replenish and use to care for your family’s health without going to the store or the internet? This article will cover some areas that will get you started. My Great Grandma Thomas received her certificate from the Red Cross […]
Chronic Illness: The Blessings of Pain
Living with Chronic Illness Okay. JoJo’s gone off the deep end! Brain fog has taken over and she’s completely out of her mind! I hear ya out there. You’ve stuck with me through some of my other unusual posts, but this one’s gone too far. Stick a fork in ‘er, she’s done! As someone who is in a fair […]
Political Correctness: What Would Jesus Say?
We live in a world run rampant with political correctness. As I was reading through Matthew chapter 10, which records Jesus calling his twelve apostles and telling them of their duties and the unpopularity they would face, I wondered what Jesus would say about being politically correct in today’s world. He warned his disciples that […]
Where is Your Mountain Top?
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a child, I was asked this question over and over and over again. The question has always haunted me. It is only recently I can securely answer this question. The question symbolizes a much deeper question. The deeper question is: “What is my purpose?” […]
Forever Lyrics and Music: Performed By Nathan Pacheco
“Forever” Lyrics Originally Recorded by Kari Jobe The moon and stars they wept The morning sun was dead The Saviour of the world was fallen His body on the cross His blood poured out for us The weight of every curse upon Him One final breath He gave As heaven looked away The son of God […]
Peace, Prosperity, Happiness: Are We Missing The Boat?
We all want peace, prosperity and happiness, but are we looking in all the wrong places? I have a good friend who lives near the ocean. She and her husband invited several couples to a party on their boat. About ten minutes before everyone was to meet on the boat, my friend spoke with one […]
How to Be Happy, Blessed and Fortunate
A multitude followed Jesus up into a mountain where he began to teach them what we call the ‘‘Sermon on the Mount’’ or the Beatitudes. In Latin, beatus is the basis of the English ‘beatitude,’ meaning ‘to be fortunate,’ ‘to be happy,’ or ‘to be blessed.’ So it was here on the mountain that Jesus […]
Making Mistakes and Knotted Shoelaces
My oldest was probably only four years old when he showed me proudly that he could tie his shoes. There they were, with the laces knotted together over and over until there was no more string left with which to work. How proud he was, and how I smiled. He had not tied them properly, […]