Prophecies for 2025 - Book of Mormon Parallels to our day

Prophecies for 2025: Lessons from the Book of Mormon and Parallels to the Last Days

In an era where uncertainties abound, many people seek guidance from prophecies to understand what the future holds. As someone who values spiritual insights, I find comfort in turning to sacred texts and the words of modern prophets. In this blog post, we will explore how the teachings of The Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Jesus […]

A guide to interpreting prophecy / signs of the times - Isaiah, Joel

A Quick Guide to Interpreting Prophecy / Signs of the Times

Throughout time prophets have existed and recorded things to warn people or give them hope about future events. The Bible is full of them. You also have people like Nostradamus or modern individuals who make predictions. I myself have had dreams and visions about what would happen in my own life and have seen them […]