clay in his hands

God is the Master. I am the Clay.

On the radio today, the Christian radio host spoke. The host said, “Remember, God is the potter and you are the clay. It isn’t up to us to worry about finishing His work.” This spoke to me. Self-criticism can be a problem for many of us. I often try to “complete the product.” I analyze […]

Listening to the Still Spirit of God

Standing in church last week, my spirit was troubled. I never like it when my spirit is upset. Typically, my spirit is upset and overwhelmed by fear or worry. When I come into his house to praise Him, I experience peace. In most situations, my fear falls off and worry dissipates as I worship God, […]

Where is Your Mountain Top?

Where is Your Mountain Top?

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a child, I was asked this question over and over and over again. The question has always haunted me. It is only recently I can securely answer this question. The question symbolizes a much deeper question. The deeper question is: “What is my purpose?” […]