Jesus, the Good Shepherd, goes after the lost sheep

The Good Shepherd Who Rescued Me

I heard an interesting interpretation of the Parable of the Lost Sheep – the one where the Good Shepherd leaves the 99 to go find the one. Jesus relates this parable while surrounded by publicans (tax collectors) and sinners. The Pharisees and Sadducees judge Him for not only hanging out with, but also eating with […]

Finding Peace in a Turbulent World

Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature

You Know Jesus, But Are You Experiencing His Peace in Your Daily Life? Are you feeling overwhelmed and inundated by challenges that make you feel trapped, confused, or frustrated? Are you worried about the state of the planet or politics? Your problems may be closer to home – like an aging parent, a loved one […]

On Walking Away from the Faith

On Walking Away from the Faith

It saddens me when I see people whom I have admired walk away from their faith because they feel like others in that faith are too judgmental, harsh or dismissive of those who have fallen short or who are perceived by some as “sinners.” I have never considered my faith to be about the people […]

Judge not that ye be not judged - woman taken in adultery

Judge Not – What Does That Mean?

We hear a lot of people accusing others of being “judgmental” these days. If you don’t agree with someone’s choices, way of life, or behavior, it’s considered politically incorrect to say so. You might offend them. If you don’t feel comfortable watching entertainment with certain activities going on in it, you’re considered judgmental. Let’s look […]

why do bad things happen to good people

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Have you ever wondered, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Or maybe you’ve wondered why you did what you felt you were supposed to do and it ended poorly. Shouldn’t God have protected you and blessed you? Why do you feel like you were cursed instead? Some see God like Santa Claus or […]

Pray for America: Pray for Unity and Good Will in America

Praying for Unity and Good Will in America

As I prayed this morning as part of today’s Day of Prayer and Fasting for Unity and Good Will in the US, I felt a bit doubtful that people of polar political views could ever find unity again in this country… no matter how much we pray for America. As I asked for the faith […]

Please Fast and Pray for Unity in the U.S.

Please Pray and Fast for Unity and Good Will in the U.S.

Sunday February 3rd Please Pray and Fast for Unity and Good Will in the U.S. PLEASE SHARE We are a nation of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, races and creeds and have been since the founding of this nation 243 years ago. In recent days we have seen some of the most internal contention since the Civil […]

finding faith in Christ, faith like the brother of Jared

Faith to See the Finger of the Lord

There is a story I love in the Book of Mormon about a man who had incredible faith in Christ. His name was Mahonri Moriancumer. Quite a mouthful, so he told everyone to just call him “The Brother of Jared.”  He and his brother, Jared, lived during the time of the Tower of Babel. Because […]

Light the World- Build the Kingdom

Light the World: Build the Kingdom 90 Day Challenge

Please join me in my 90-Day Light The World: Build The Kingdom Challenge. The video below explains how it works. Each morning we’re going to get down on our knees and ask God to tell us one thing we can do that day to build the kingdom and light the world for Him. As we […]

war wounds

War Wounds: Why You Should Embrace Yours

Ever notice that boys love to show off their war wounds?  They eagerly relate the stories that came to create their scars–each in his turn trying to top the other’s story. Women don’t do that.  In fact, we tend to hide our scars. We cover them up with clothing, makeup, and embarrassment.  It becomes a […]